Aspiring Vertical Belay Glasses
Love the carry case with zip.
Love the carry case with zip.
A simple large pulley with swivelling side plates for use with larger ropes.
A simple double pulley with swivelling side plates, ideal for larger ropes.
Compact pulley with swivelling side plates.
Great fit, fingers not too long like most gloves. Save the hands when belaying and rope handling. Incredible value for money.
Nice, light simple pulley, had one for years.
Multi functional rope clamp with pulley. Four distinct modes of operation.
Light, has ball bearings and stainless steel sheaves.
Innovative, multiple uses.
Works well with the Orbiter S.
Robust. Ideal where there is a deviation.
Compact, light dual pulley.
A nice, small, robust pulley.
With ball bearings, a nice larger pulley.
I like all of the Orbiter range.
It's a pulley, rope clamp, progress capture and ascender all in one device.
A must if you are hauling and useful at times with general rope systems.
Designed as an auto-blocking rescue winch in combination with the Up Roll pulley.
Pairs nicely with the Orbiter M pulley.
A nice large pulley also popular in theater and aerial operations.
Works well with the CMI single micro rescue pulley.
Small, compact and popular.
Our most popular small pulley.
Works well with the CMI double micro rescue pulley, or by itself.
So light and small, really no reason not to carry one when multi-pitching. Particularly useful if climbing with inexperienced partners, or if there is three in the party. A recommended piece of kit.
Really useful as a redirect if using a waist belay at the top.
Great for reducing rope drag.
I have read good reviews.
The perfect device for when the lead climber outweighs the belayer.
Could also be useful if you have an inexperienced belayer, or are just paranoid about being dropped!
Has had good reviews, designed primarily for sport climbing.
Heavier than most of the small rigging plates.
Multi directional rigging plate.
Ideal for crevasse, rock and river rescue.
A small, light rigging plate.
Combines carabiner with rigging plate.
Really handy multi-directional pate. NB: Colour is BLACK.
A great pulley to use in a hitch climbing set up.
If you like the ISC micro pulley you will love this - very compact.
Not too big, ideal for crevasse, river or rock work. Well priced.
A compact double pulley.
Editor's Choice Super Topo - so small, so light, so many uses.
Works better than most prusik minding pulleys.
At 53g it's a lot smaller and lighter than the Micro at 85g, but you can't lock open the cam.
Good, cheap emergency pulley, really low weight (42g) makes it easy to carry.
Lightweight and compact.
Saves cross loading carabiners and makes for a clean anchor.
A must have on a big wall. Read the features and specs below.
Efficiency - 95% I think it's the best pulley I've ever used.
The 18mm pulley sheave is a lot bigger than the DMM Revolver, it is also heavier. Available with a triple action gate, or a snap gate.
Suitable for rope only. My choice for tyroleans if not a frequent activity. Lighter than the Speed.
Suitable for rope and cable. Fastest of the carriage pulleys specifically designed for low angle tyroleans. Stainless steel sheaves.
A very cheap emergency pulley - needs to be used with an oval screwgate.
Designed as a swift water rescue pulley, but popular as a general 50mm pulley.
Very strong (32kN multi directional), yet very light.