Frequently asked questions
How do I know if a product is REALLY in stock?
Unlike some other websites, our stock levels are updated whenever we sell a product online or in our physical shop. If we have a product on our website and it doesn’t say "out of stock", then it is right there in our store ready for us to package and send to you. If a product is out of stock (or you already have all our stock in your cart) then you can't add it to your cart. Simple. No need to phone us to check, just add it to your cart, checkout immediately, and be assured we have it.
Note that if you add a product to your cart, then wait hours or days before checking out, we cannot guarantee somebody else has not purchased the last of our stock of that product in the meantime (especially for any of our specials). In this case, the product will be removed from your cart. Many out-of-stock products may still be available with a short delay – contact us to enquire about out-of-stock products.
Do you deliver outside New Zealand?
At this time we regret we are unable to accept website orders for delivery outside New Zealand. Please contact us to enquire about international deliveries.
I will be visiting New Zealand to climb, can you deliver to a specific place and time?
We can accept website orders with billing addresses outside New Zealand, for delivery within New Zealand. If you are travelling to New Zealand to go climbing, we can possibly hold your prepaid order and deliver to your destination after a specific date. Contact us to discuss your requirements.
I’m wanting a product you don’t stock
Contact us as we may well be able to help you.
Is a product suitable for my needs?
Bryce has been climbing for over 40 years and has used or owned most products listed. Contact us and we will sort out your best options.